
Thursday, February 23, 2017

What is it to You?

After Jesus had risen from the grave, He appeared to Peter, John, and five other disciples at the Sea of Galilee, and there He had a very important conversation with Peter. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and Peter said yes. Jesus explained that Peter's willingness to love and follow Him would eventually cost him his life, and then He said two words that can make even the most courageous person tremble: "Follow Me." Peter looked over at John, another disciple, and asked Jesus, "What about him?"

Jesus' response was simple: "If I want him [John] to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!" (John 21:22, emphasis mine).

Those eight words -- "What is that to you? You follow Me" -- have been ringing in my ears and echoing in my heart ever since I read them a week ago. Is there a believer in the world who does not need this message? We are so easily distracted by the people around us. We compare ourselves, we judge others in self-righteousness, we puff ourselves up -- and yet, what is all that to us? 

Those eight words -- "What is that to you? You follow Me" -- sum up the cost of discipleship. Like Jesus, we are to keep our eyes on the joy set before us. We are to love others as He loved. We are to be servants, even if our obedience costs us our lives. It is a difficult task, to be sure, but our Savior, our Redeemer, our Creator has already won the victory over sin and death! We can go forward with the knowledge that He will supply us with the grace we need to complete the tasks He has set out for us. 

Throughout the past week, I have heard the still, small voice speaking John 21:22 to my heart. When my feathers get ruffled at a rude, thoughtless remark--
"Never mind that. What is it to you?"

When I am tempted to stumble at the actions of another believer--
"Never mind that. What is it to you?"

When I experience hurt at the hands of a friend or foe--
"Never mind that. What is it to you?"

When I am afraid or flustered about a future event--
"Never mind that. What is it to you?"

When voices grate on me and actions irritate me--
"Never mind that. What is it to you?" 

When I experience trials or undergo bouts of "spiritual dryness"--
"What is it to you?"

Before all else, I must concern myself with this alone: "YOU follow Me."

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